
Login and connect to your trading account

Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account
First, Download the relevant MT4 app for your device. (Android, iOS for iPhone, PC, MAC)

Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account

For iOS and Android devices, please follow the steps below:


Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account

2. Launch the app and select ‘Login to an existing account’.

Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account



3. Enter your existing account details and search for ‘VantageFX’ or ‘Vantage International’ to select your new server. Then, choose the appropriate ‘VantageFXInternational-Live #’ server from the list.

Please note: If your previous server was ‘VantageFX-Live 1’ then your new server will be ‘VantageFXInternational-Live 1’.

Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account

And login to your account using your login and password (you recieved them by email)

Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account

Astorz Trading Login and connect to your trading account

If you have any questions or are experiencing difficulties, please don’t hesitate to contact us on contact@astorz.com.

Kind Regards,



Astorz Trading regroupe la plus grande communauté de traders francophones professionnels et amateurs, nos publications ne sont pas des conseils en investissement mais nos simples analyses, nos outils sont fournis à des fins éducatifs uniquement.

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